
In the chemical sector everything revolves around a well-thought-out and above all safe design that meets all applicable laws and regulations. This is especially important because chemical processes often go hand in hand with high pressures and temperatures, which can result in dangerous situations. At Veenbrink RVS reliability and safety are always a priority in the design and production of pressure equipment.

Pilot plants

Veenbrink RVS supplies high pressure equipment for large and small chemical companies, primarily for constructing pilot plants. Everything here revolves around a safe and reliable design. Due to the dangers and risks associated with high pressures and temperatures, the production of pressure equipment is subject to strict laws and regulations. The design, production and non-destructive testing of pressure tanks complies with PED guidelines and is strictly supervised by an independent registered notified body (NoBo).

pressure equipment

Contact us

Whether you are looking for high-quality process equipment, or have any questions about any of our products, do not hesitate to contact us! You can contact us using the adjacent contact form or by calling us at the telephone number shown below.

Veenbrink RVS


+31 (0) 348 47 50 41

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