Laboratory vessel 1.5 litres

Some recipes are first prepared on a smaller scale before the processes are scaled up. This is also the case with this 1.5 liter laboratory vessel and that requires specific attention in the design phase.

With such small process equipment, the minimum stirring level is often an important point of attention. In addition, all other instrumentation, valves and appendages have been taken into account. All this within the limited available space and with the lowest possible weight. Our engineers also think along with your operators!

This pressure vessel is equipped with an insulated heating and cooling jacket. The vessel is fully electrolytically polished with a finish of Ra<0.55 µm internally and externally.

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Whether you are looking for high-quality process equipment, or have any questions about any of our products, do not hesitate to contact us! You can contact us using the adjacent contact form or by calling us at the telephone number shown below.

Veenbrink RVS


+31 (0) 348 47 50 41

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